Friday, February 25, 2011


Homesick today, long way to go home with family. Philippines is so far far away so can't help it.......My plan yesterday to go with him at school cause i want to get application for new Job in school but today I change my mind so fast and I feel so moody & some reason hate it. My daughter & I in house today  as a usual. try hard to relax this one day-off and post some birthday photo last few days taken.  

Shopping  in President day. Ej, Mom and I went to Belk for Birthday present.

Mom bought this cute dress & socks for Ej's 5th Birthday. when we get in the house she always asking to wear it right away cause her reason she love it already to put on. ( she can't wait) so to make her happy Just say YES ( put on).

I also had a secret gift for hubby.  my mother-in-law suggest to get a small bottle of Clinique Happy For Men. Glad Hubby like it cause I have no idea what he want, every-time I ask him what he want in his Birthday Present? he Just say I don't need anything but I love to do a little surprise for both of them.

Here's Some Photo of Ej Birthday Present from close friend and Family. She love everything she got...I didn't spoiled my daughter  but lo'ts of friend of me and hubby who give a real love and care to her.  She always say ( Oh my favorite color is Pink, blue, purple, brown)  so the result, We bought her a pink birthday cake and mostly her Present is Pink.... imagine that how she grow girly so much.

 She was so excited to open all gift and all is her favorite.... what a bunch kid stuff? when was my age like her i was remember we live in mountain in Philippines. there lot of bird singing and trees but new generation is much different.

Tattoo's from her sister Amy. she sent it personally b4 amy went to go work at stoby. Ej's love to put a removal ticker .

piggy bank for her so she can save money to buy her own toys, lol. this piggy bank from our next door neighbor who always give her a candy and food. they are really nice friend too Paula & Dennis... 

from her babysitter and friend Vanessa they are always together when i have work in a day  they make a bracelet w/ Ellen Joyce Name 

From Carolyn, she's one of friend of my husband co-worker @ school and she love Ej's since she have a grand children too. we know her when our first in state'n america..

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Happy Birthday two babies of my-life

I Thank  God for all blessing you give for us. Ty and EJ's   celebrate a birthday party together and all is having fun  and exciting night.  Donna, Sue, Paula and Dennis ( Thank you very much to come joining a party)   I also thankful to my wonderful mother-in-law who  give lot of love and care and present to Ej She's sweet Mimi and Mom in this world.

:From Friend in Face-book:  My Birthday Girl Today- Feb 23, 2011

Naomi Gutierrez - Please tell her Happy Birthday from your friends in Snyder! :)
Joegen page- happy b-day2 ur lil'girl aiz...god bless you & ur family...
Chris Buenavista - say happy birthday to your little princess aizeli,.tell greatings from teta chris hehehe
Maria Luz emphasis -wishing a very ♥ HAPPY BIRTHDAY ♥ to your princess EJ....

My Hubby Birthday Greetings from his Friend Feb 22, 2011


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